Stichopus Hermanii. A wide variety of stichopus options are available to you Holothurie curry, holothurie d'Herrmann. Keywords: Stichopus hermanii extract; oral candidiasis; rat; epithelial tongue.
Correspondence: Syamsulina Revianti, Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Hang Tuah.
Golden sea cucumbers (Stichopus hermanii) have been consumed by Asian community as folk medicine.
A wide variety of stichopus options are available to you Holothurie curry, holothurie d'Herrmann. C'est une holothurie de grande taille, mesurant en moyenne une grosse trentaine de centimètres. Keywords: Wound healing; traumatic ulcer; Stichopus hermanii's extract; glicosaminoglycans, lymphocytes Correspondence: Ira Arundina, c/o: Departemen Biologi Oral, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigigi.