Ina Rxiv. This study aimed at describing the development of INA-Rxiv and its conversations. INA-Rxiv is the first Indonesia preprint server marking the new development initiated by the open science community.
INA-Rxiv Papers is a free, open access, country-lead preprint service and preprint repository for all academic and scientific papers/manuscripts in their native Indonesian language.
INA-Rxiv merupakan peladen pracetak atau praterbit (preprint server) akses terbuka yang berbasis di Indonesia.
Lisensi makalah preprint yang diunggah ke INA-Rxiv adalah CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution) untuk menjamin kebebasan untuk menggunakan ulang (reuse), mengkombinasi (remix). Repositories like INA-Rxiv and IndiaRxiv boost regional science, but finding cash to run them is proving difficult. Lib arXiv is the application to view, store and share papers contributed in